Monday, December 23, 2013

deleted remaster of suicide completed.

this version is only available as part of the html frontend, in the download.
anticipation edited.

this version is only available as part of the html frontend, in the download.

deleted remaster of viewless completed.

this version is only available as part of the html frontend, in the download.
graphic porno remastered.
deleted remaster of boogeyman completed.
deleted remaster of circus completed.
ambient cover of rem's drive remastered and rereleased as an instrumental work for the first time.

deleted remaster of why completed.
deleted remaster of "not that there's anything wrong with that" completed.

this version is deleted. it is only available as a part of the html frontend, in the download.
deleted remaster of hey, god completed.
stupid remastered.

deleted remaster of idiotic completed.

this version is only available as a part of the html frontend, in the download, or as a component in the following file:
deleted remaster of wish completed.

this version is only available as a part of the html frontend, in the download, or as a component in the following file: