Tuesday, June 15, 2021

idea set for inri078.

so, this is the starting post for this new blog.....

facebook has become useless to me, but i really liked the timeline feature and had built a gui for my discography around it. that's now been taken away, so i'm going to rebuild it here.

so, this "blog" will be very simple - the tree directory on the right panel will let you sort through my release schedule (since 1996), which will be organized by song, single, lp - anything that i decide was released, including remixes and remasters.

for example, consider my first record, inri (inri015). there are 19 tracks on the record. each track will have a release date in 1997 or 1998 (and some of them will have demos from 1996 or 1997), each will have a remix release date and the record itself will have several release dates (1998, 2013, 2016).

i will attempt to get this all done at once in the next few days.

this is the page that this blog is replacing and will replace in the end:

Thursday, March 18, 2021

i can't add a single item as merch because i have upper limits on cost and shipping. but, let's say you wanted to actually buy every single cd in the discography, along with all of it on a series of cumulative flac dvds. to do this, you'd need to buy each of these items. 

it comes up to: 

258 + 241 + 195 + 204 + 212 + 198 + 134 = $1442. 

but, i'm shipping you 88 optical discs and three cassettes, which is 91 items. so, that's $230 in shipping to canada and $460 in shipping to the rest of the world. 

if you enter that manually ($1672 cdn in canada or $1902 cdn outside it), i'll send you the 75 items. you'll just have to give me a few weeks to do it. 

i will replace the 6 flac dvds with one flac blu-ray on demand with no change in cost, but note that you'll lose inri069 in flac (you'll still get the 4 cds). i can put it up on a google drive share or something if you want.